CHAPcast by Community Health Accreditation Partner

Health Equity: Insights on the CMS Framework and Leadership in Healthcare

CHAP - Community Health Accreditation Partner Season 3 Episode 2

As a nurse, witnessing the pervasive disparities in healthcare access was a profound wake-up call. Our conversation with Marisette Hassan takes us on a journey through the challenges and aspirations of achieving health equity, a mission that has never been more critical than in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. When systems fail to serve everyone equally, the consequences are dire, and our discussion underlines the urgency of this issue. With Marisette's insights on the CMS health equity framework, we unpack the layers of this complex issue, from the importance of data collection to the necessity of culturally tailored services.

With the pandemic spotlighting the stark inequities impacting Black and Brown communities, the episode with Marisette Hassan navigates the intricate paths of the CMS framework designed to bridge these alarming gaps. As we dissect the five priorities of this framework, it becomes clear that understanding and addressing the social determinants of health goes beyond mere demographics. It's a call to action for inclusive imagery, language accessibility, and a healthcare system that welcomes diversity in all forms, including provision for those with disabilities and hearing challenges. This comprehensive strategy reflects a commitment to not just heal but to include, resonating deeply with us as healthcare professionals seeking to serve all communities effectively.

Our final reflections circle back to the role of leadership in championing health equity. Sharing the excitement of developing CHAP's health equity standards, we highlight the incremental steps taken towards this monumental goal. Acknowledging Marisette's invaluable contributions, we invite our listeners to become part of a movement towards a healthcare landscape that's not only quality-driven but also equitable. Join us as we explore the nuances of health equity and take away insights that will empower you to partake in the transformation of healthcare into a system that truly caters to everyone.

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